The Contacto team

Train your FAQ AI Chatbot on Company Policy URLs

AUTHOR: The Contacto team

Introducing an enhanced feature to train your FAQ AI Chatbot using Company Policy URLs or other website content. With this update, you can seamlessly use your website URLs to augment the Chatbot's knowledge base, enabling it to provide more accurate and consistent responses to customer inquiries via chat.

This enhancement streamlines your support process, empowering your Chatbot to deliver top-notch customer service by leveraging AI capabilities to access and understand relevant company policies.

Release Date:

These enhancements were rolled out on 6th March 2024, and we're excited to see how they empower you to provide exceptional service and take control of your customer interactions.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or need assistance with these new features, please don't hesitate to reach out to your dedicated sales representative or our customer success team. They're here to provide expert guidance and ensure a seamless transition as you make the most of these exciting capabilities.

Resources and Videos

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