The Contacto team
Agent Desktop Console

New Channel: SMS!

AUTHOR: The Contacto team

Agents Can Text!

Our communications wizards (aka Engineering Team) has done it again. Agents can now handle inbound SMS/MMS conversations. Teaser: agent outbound messaging is coming soon.

Agent Desktop version 2.0.0

This feature was included in v2.0.0 released on 7 October 2022.

What else is included

Outbound SMS/MMS messages are configurable in FlowBuilder (Contacto's drag-and-drop automation engine). Think: appointment reminders, triggered messages based on actions / data from your business systems (CRM, ticketing, order management, etc.).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with WhatsApp message UI state and position in conversation thread panel when a connection disruption occurs, or the message fails to send


If you have ANY questions about how best to implement live chat or about the technical bits, contact your sales rep or customer success team directly. They're the qualified experts to get it sorted and have you up and running in no time.

Resources and Videos

We have plenty of resources to support your contact center efforts on our website under Resources:

Access our product videos on YouTube:

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