The Contacto team
Agent Desktop

New channel: Chat

AUTHOR: The Contacto team

Chat is here!

In addition to voice, web chat is another channel on our path to make it easy for you to communicate with you customers. And, you can send + receive images, videos, documents, and other media! Looking to expand your voice-only customer service motion with live agent chat via your website? We got you. This update includes the ability to:

  • Widget - Install a live chat widget on your website connecting with your instance of Contacto, so that customer service agents can make or take phone calls and chat with customers all within the unified agent desktop

  • Switching is a breeze - If you configure to allow for multiple chat conversations, agents can easily toggle between active chats in the left navigation pane

  • Notifications - Agents will receive desktop notifications to accept / decline new incoming chat conversations, and notifications when new messages are received in existing chat conversations

Agent Desktop version 0.0.8

This feature was included in v0.0.8 released on January 12, 2022.

Not JUST chat

Included in this release are several UI performance enhancements and security upgrades behind the scenes. This will keep your agents happy and your instance secure - for you and your customers. Following through on our commitment to continuous quality improvement!


If you have ANY questions about how best to implement live chat or about the technical bits, contact your sales rep or customer success team directly. They're the qualified experts to get it sorted and have you up and running in no time.

Resources and Videos

We have plenty of resources to support your contact center efforts on our website:

Access product feature videos on our YouTube channel:

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