The Contacto team
Agent Desktop Console

Filter and Export Conversations

AUTHOR: The Contacto team

Filter and Export Conversations

Improve your quality assurance process by focusing on the right conversations to analyze. Download the conversation recordings for further deep dive.

Apply advanced Filters in View Conversations

  • Use a combination of AND, and OR operators to filter the conversations in your views

  • Values configured in filter conditions will be validated based on the filter parameter

  • Conversations can be filtered based on status and disposition

Export Conversations and Recordings

  • Users can export a view, and receive an email with list of conversations and their details

  • Administrators and Supervisors are able to export conversations of other agents in the team

  • Users have the option to download call recordings and media messages

Ability to share Conversation Details with team members via shareable link

  • Share a unique link to access the details of a conversation with team members, or store it in your system of record

  • View additional contact and ticket information related to a conversation in the conversation details

Agent Desktop version

This feature was included in v5.1.0 released on 6 March 2023.


If you have ANY questions, contact your sales rep or customer success team directly. They're the qualified experts to get it sorted and have you up and running in no time.

Resources and Videos

We have plenty of resources to support your contact center efforts on our website under Resources:

Access our product videos on YouTube:

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